crisp and clean


it angers me that breathe by telepopmusik is now in the mitsubishi commercial............... i liked that song the momment that i heard it and now it just seemes silly and trendy... i guess i don't really mind that much.... i have a good craving for fresh baked crusty white or sourdough bread and home churned butter....because if this guy sexycadude i went through this whole bake my own bread stage... back when i lived at home and had a huge kitchen to frolic in but now that i live in crap hole i just dont really get the biggest urge to bake.... that and i dont have any of the ingrediants or money for them.... heehee that will all change tomarrow when i get paid!!!!!!!

holy rusty metal... did we all know that thom yorke is going to be at the fucking bridge school benifit????? i fucking didn't know... maren failed to tell me until today which pisses me off and offends me on a very very deep level.... sometimes i think that people just dont think about my feelings at all.. like they just live in their own little bubble and dont even consider you unless you do things for them or unless they need you for something.... like patrick... but anyways... if i can get the day off work then i can go but fat lot of good that will do me ... noone is going to work for me.... plus i hate the fucking shoreline.... i fucking hate it.... and plus even though i have the money i really cant afford it.

if i had a wish i would wish to be ashanti sigh......

i wore high heeles today for the 2 hours i was out of my house. on the ride home i was gliding along one of my favorite berkeley blocks and the sky was this really beautiful cloudy clear dark midnight blue with the clouds glowing like fluffy something and the air was crisp and cool and smelled of fire and sweet and then i got a wiff of some sweet smelling pot and i had the biggest craving i just wanted the taste in my mouth... i always want to do drugs in the winter..... i wonder if it is a school thing... i think not because in the two years that i took off i wanted to do drugs in the winter too. on the ride home i felt like there was a higher power at work... not like god or a god or even mother earth but like something magical was going on somewhere like unicorns and faries.

also i lost my cigs so i went by this house on the corner that always intrests me and met a guy jason that lives there. i liked his decorations and he liked my gloves.... he was quite nice.

this song reminds me of dude. funny how you can apply some song to a situation and then still listen to it later and not even think of that person

i want an i love Kylie button


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