what? huh? yeah


is this on? is this a joke?

at night i wear my first try wrist warmers and try not to lose the too loose on in the night.
it's cold ans we dont use the heater.

tommy wont have sex with me and i can feel the warm glow of beauty fading from my face, my body, my aura.

es alright es ok

buffy's mom is dead. were not supposed to move the body.

how do you make a care package for somone that you dont know? someone that you want to hold in your arms and comfort even though you know that on the surface both of you are too cool to do that, too hard, to mature.

i feel old. i want a line...

i want a boy... i want a life......

i miss .......
i miss........ i miss...........

i feel scattered and chilled. i want to clean my room but dont have the energy... or enough light. ..... keyon stole the lamp we traded back.......

why is it that a always want , not only what i dont have but what others do have? i create these triangles these paralellograms.....

someone is reading my diary...... somone i know.... it feels ..... wrong... but it is a public forum.... i talk a lot of shit though...... type without thinking.....

i mean all of it and dont mean all of it...... i regret nothing and wish i could take back it all.

fuck you if i know you ... this is private and while reading a strangers diary is cool reading the diary of someone you know is just weird. especially if you dont tell them.... if you really want to know what i'm thinking become friends with me.

i say never trust anyone. always the one who has to drag her down, maybe you'll get what you want this time around.


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