return your movies


Jezze, last night was fucking weird. have you ever told someone in your head to touch someones ass only to watch in fascination as they slapped the ass in front of them? have you ever told someone to shoot someone and steal a car to drive to the right or left? while they are using a ps2 ?its a weird thing hanging out with that boy... i don't know what's up.

i had a dream that i was on vacation with my dad... there were all of these pretty buildings/// i mean really pretty... like if you mixed the taj mahal with a cathedral. and i was spending all of this time in a virgin megastore.... that was also a museum and a club.... claire and i bought tickets because it was supposed to be a hopping club but when i went in i was by myself and there was almost no one there. then it turned into this club like bottom of the hill... but it looked more like the old berkeley square. i sat reading my book and waiting for the show..... it was a band that katie had told me was really really good but the club was run by mod lang people that kept morphing into each other. and i was afraid they were all going to spit on me. then the show didn't end, or start but i was in the virgin mega store and starbucks and was talking to this gal... julie i don't know her she was a made up dream person but i remember her name was julie she was a big part of the dream... . and dude walks by ... coming out of the show.... and i'm like hey... and he says hey... chats for a min. about how good the band was and that it was a friend of his. and then rushes off muttering something about how his friends are going to kill him.... total brush off... then there is this whole weird part where there are submarines and movie stars and water and evil fish people. but it ended with that boy saying that his girl would be gone next week and then me realizing that not only was i going to get braces next week but i was going scuba diving with my dad..... it was all very weird but i haven't had a dream like that in a while....


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