otter pop city


i have bought myself lipstick. as a treat for getting check from parents it is called honeymoon heather. it is wet shine by maybelline it sparkles!

today was sooooo boring i almost died. i just spent all day cleaning to find out that lelie is going to live with billy anyway... oh well. maybe it is better that way. i am currently in sugar high haven. i have consumed so many fucking otter pops it is recockulus.... part of me misses him sometimes..... so i cleaned and tried to wake up without the aide of coffee and then went home to get my check.... fuuucccckkk i have to remember about family diner tomorrow. so i go home and my sis is there. and she is all into elfquest now... its cool because i fucking love elfquest but it sucks too because if she turns into me i'm gonna kill her.... or myself.... but she drew all of these really good renditions of some of the elves and she said that she didn't even trace them so i i think that rocks. i always wanted to draw them but never could. so then i bike around and buy some coffee... i went by work. and then watched living in oblivion... which i really liked. and then went to return the before mentioned and quills. other dude was working and he helped me find other movies. road trip which was horribly bad but funny and detroit rock city which was funny but bad. the edward furlong strip scene was almost worth it. now that i think on it though they were both totally guy movies which i think might just be because of course a guy would like them. anyway... sugar level dropping rapidly as i am typing... other dude said he would make me a tape of kids in the hall episodes!!! for free!!!! he is soo cool.... i know its cheesy but he even has tivo which is cool because i was chiding someone the other day for not having it.... and if you have the money for it it is quite handy. he is so cute.... i have a few issues with liking him but nothing i'm going to make public... its just too damn risky. so we went to marens and watched both movies and then billy picked me up and we went to pick up pat-a-rack at the oak-town airport. so as i hug him who taps me on the shoulder but a dude from 7 11 on solano.... oh shit... i just remembered which one he was.... eeewww... he hugged me and slapped me on the face a few times... i think he meant to hit my back but it was weird...... he was the dude that kept telling me about my pretty hair and how he had this special indian hair creme hat i had to use and he was going to buy me some..... eeeeewwwww i hugged him.... well now he works at the airport..... weird.... someone is making weird things happen to me and just rolling over laughing. maybe it is just because i'm in the bay and i grew up here.

oh yeah ... there is this one dude stalking me at work... while i was gone he kept asking for the big tall korean girl named me and i am hoping it was bernard but i saw him at the shattuck the other day and he didn't mention anything.... i'm trying to figure out what old man do i know that smells like bo? not many... maybe an old customer... i hope to god it isn't ed.... i hope ed never finds out that i work at the albany... i hope he never finds out i work any where ... i hope i never see him again... but it wasn't ed because they said it was a white man... with not that much hair.... hhhhhmmmmmmm .... blood sugar dropping must sleep.


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