

oh yes my little kitlings, things are going good.... things are going really good. i have had some of the worst and best moments of my life. lelie comes home looking all kinds of cute. lelie wont even look at me... he'll talk but he looks straight through me... i totally let him down. I find out that other dude might be interested, yes my kitling.. interested in moi. there are all sorts of parties... but i never get to talk alone with lelie. ..i have a good chat with this other one while laying in bed. he tells me a waked out story and i figure out that i've wasted 8 years on lelie and i should give up..... that brings us to today... i met up with keyyon and we bum around. he goes to work and i go watch the good girl... i decide to go to other dudes work and hang around... i totally stick around all night and because of it have 2 almost dates with him!!! yes almost dates!!! i say that because i think that they are dates... but he might not. here's the break down... we both talked about how we both wanted to see this movie and then he said... we should go together.!!! hehehehe i cant stop giggling and grinning like an idiot every time i think about it... i've been smiling all day. i just can't help it... he is so cute!!! it makes me grin just looking at him... so this might not turn into anything but i'm so stoked right now... he reads! he's heard of jeff noon and when i found that out i almost died! no one i have ever met has heard of jeff noon. he likes radiohead! while he isn't the biggest fan he doesn't hate them.... we feel the same about most of the movies that we have in common... we are going to see 24 hour party people and spy kids 2 ... i think those are good choices because while they aren't romantic movies ..." date movies" they are good... feeling you out , getting to know you movies.... i'm so happy i could die!


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