i never ment to hurt you


so, i know it is totally girly and silly... i mean i feel weird just wearing them but check out my new shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aren't they the fucking cutest shoes you have ever seen? i think so. so i'm sick i feel fucked up. my throat hurts my nose is getting stuffed... i'm starting to cough... it totally sucks. just in fucking time for the concert on monday!!!! i am so fucking excited i fucking love the great american music hall. it is so beautiful..... keyon and i went to the city to day because he wanted sexxy dangerously low levi jeans... like gael garcia bernal in the commercial... we stopped by lelie's starbucks to see if he was working and he was!!! he made me a frappichino and then walked around with us for a while.... it was nice i hadn't hung out with him in a while. he got the tickets and i'm gonna meet him in sf at 6 and we are going to have dinner before the show. . the dude behind one of my favorite bands is also playing in the city that night at cafe dunord. i encourage anyone in the neigborhood to cheack him out... the show looks interesting something about best of the bay area songwriters showcase something or other.... i'm actually not even sure if it is the same nat russell but whatever. his lables site has nothing about the show... but it is still a nice site you can check them out Here

so lelie goes home to write his papers and kyon and i heaad back to berkeley. i go by the shattuck and call maren meet up with her and we watch valmont... um..... it was interesting ....... and i find out there is all of this stupid drama going on at the shattuck and maren gets me all paranoid..... but then later i find out that it want as big as she said it was and that it is just a minor adjustment that i need to make... but goddamnit... i wish that someone would just say something to me, to anyone for that matter before they rat to the management..... i mean how am i supposed to stop doing something if they dont tell me? and why go running to the upper management? it's not like dude played by the rules before... the only reason he is working there is because he was sleeping with his married boss..... fucker... i liked him at first but now i'm just starting to hate him..... still in the pit of my stomache i feel the evil bitch will make this backfire in my face...... so i'm going to apologize... i truly didnt know i was doing anything wrong... and try to work the damage control...... fuck my throat hurts!!!!!!!!!

why does it seem like everyone even your good friends are really only out to make themselves look better? i fucking hate that...... i just want to help people and people that wont help piss me the fuck off..... especially if they are supposed to be your friend..... whatever.... no need to stress off it now.... i have cute shoes...!!!!!!!!!!

it is supposed to rain a lot this weekend....... a lot..... i hope it dosent rain on monday.... goodnight


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